Get Involved
Woodbridge citizens work together to achieve common goals. Join us in meeting the needs of our neighborhood in whatever way works best for you.
Gifts to Woodbridge Neighborhood Development help us serve the neighborhood through new and renovated housing, infrastructure improvements, park and community programing, and public advocacy. Donations are tax-deductible.
Woodbridge Neighborhood Development is a tax-exempt Michigan nonprofit corporation as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, EIN # 52-2419407.
Board of Directors, Ad Hoc Committees, and Task Forces
WND is led by a Board of Directors with three-year terms, a third of whom rotate off each January when new members are added. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, previous participation on one of our ad hoc committees or task forces is strongly encouraged. Contact WND if you are interested in learning more or getting involved.
Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces 2023 (as of 3/20/24)
Beautification Task Force: Plans the Motor City Makeover cleanup event, Spring Plant Giveaway, and Community Garden activities
Street Infrastructure Task Force: Identifies street and water infrastructure problems, clogged catch basins, cracked pavement for reporting to City
2023 Porch Concert Committee: Plans October neighborhood music festival